Miss World Guyana strives to set a respectful policy on how to communicate with our community at large and with each other. The communication policy is set to give guidelines and honor professional boundaries for contacting and responding to emails, messages from the license holder/national director, managing directors, directors, coordinators, national winners, team members, representatives, finalists, volunteers and to ensure your questions and messages from our potential clients are answered in a timely professional manner.

The communication policy includes the following guidelines for professional contact:

Informal Communication

These messages are usually informal and while convenient when both parties are using social media, is not the best form of medium for communication. Don’t use for immediate contact and if the message is more than one paragraph long.

Text Messaging: The most important thing to remember about texting is that it is often misinterpreted and overtly filled with personal assumptions.  It should be kept short and done during office hours only as so many people use their phones for a quick checking during their office hours.

Formal Communication

These messages are usually considered formal and extremely important.

Emails: Emails should be sent with the understanding that they will receive a response no later than 24 hours. Emails should be answered and/or acknowledged once a day and acceptable if not to answered on the weekends.

 Emails containing action items must carry a detailed response to the issues being addressed. Informational emails must be acknowledged with “Received with thanks”, or “Noted with thanks” [These are now automated with Gmail]

Telephone/Mobile In-Apps Calls: Telephone conversations are to be conducted within normal business hours unless previously arranged. You will find that evening communications are normal in the industry with daytime jobs. They should just be agreed upon and prearranged. Telephone conversations cover in-app calls and voice notes

Candidate Development Liason Director can be contacted Monday thru Friday before 8 a.m. and after 7 p.m. EST. Emails will be answered no later than 48 hours after they have been received. Phone calls/voice notes will only be returned during after-hours unless other in dire emergency cases.

 It is understood that most correspondence or calls will come after hours due to work schedules but must be prearranged. In the case of an emergency, please feel free to text or call.

The following guidelines are rules to adhere to, adapt, perfect, and most importantly to share with each other


CANDIDATES: A Semifinalist Gmail /WhatsApp group will be created on the selection of semifinalists. All Candidates must have a Gmail account. No other group/groups are to be opened. Candidates who did not make it to the final selection stage as top 10 finalists, will be removed from the group.