Name: Marva Langevine
Age: 23
Title: Miss Region 3
Hometown: Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara, Guyana
- High School: The St. Michael School (Barbados)
- College: The Cyril Potter College of Education
- University: University of Guyana
Scholastic Ambition
- Degree: Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education (Spanish major)
- Future Goal: Obtain a Master’s of Arts in Spanish
Career Ambition
- Short-term Goal: Become Head of the Department for Modern Languages
- Long-term Goal: I will use my experiences as a language teacher to work with the Ministry of Education to strengthen and increase the teaching of foreign languages in schools across Guyana.
- Talent Type: Playing the Steel pan
- Performance Piece: “Not ah blade ah grass”
BWAP Presentation
- Cause: Raising awareness of bereaved children and teenagers in Guyana
- Campaign Title: Be a Mentor, Make a Difference
Proceeds: Proceeds from this Beauty with a Purpose activity will aid bereaved young people and their families.Funds Raised: $10,550,000
- Proceeds from Charity Football Match: $93,000.00
- Donation from CADVA: $14,500.00
- Donation from Richard Jodah: $100,000.00
- Proceeds from Cup Cake Sale: $27,000.00
- Donation from A. Forester Lumber Yard (100BM 1X4 VJ): $24,000.00
- Donation from N. Newland Lumber Yard (150BM 1X4 VJ): $42,000.00
- Donation from 2 Brothers Gas Station: $50,000.00
- Donation from RDC – Outreach to Essequibo Islands: $200,000.00
- Medical School Scholarship for Bereaved Student from Georgetown American University: $10,000,000.00
Project Rationale: I chose to spotlight childhood bereavement to start a national conversation on the issue. My BWAP goal has always been to create a safe, loving, and therapeutic environment for bereaved children, especially orphans. My vision is to empower my fellow citizens to express their dedication to serving the needs of grieving children and families by providing education and support to those who serve them.
Future Plans: I have plans to create bereavement support groups through her membership in the Den-Amstel Youth Empowerment Network and the Periwinkle Cancer Club. I note that thousands of Guyanese children and their families are bereaved by death due to domestic violence, cancer, suicide, accidents, and other leading causes of death in Guyana.
A key part of my initiative is organizing bereavement camps for children and young people dealing with loss. The camps will offer a place where participants can connect with others who have similar experiences, share their feelings, and form lasting friendships under the care and guidance of mentors including social workers, teachers, caregivers, missionaries, and counselors.
I also plan to highlight the financial burdens faced by bereaved families, especially widows who often fall into poverty following the death of a spouse.
Scholastic Honors
- Scholastic Honors: [Not specified]
- Recognized as one of the top-performing trainee teachers at the Cyril Potter College of Education, with creative use of ICT in Spanish lessons improving student performance. These lessons were videotaped and shown to lecturers and teachers across Guyana.
- Led a community project team at the Cyril Potter College of Education in raising over $250,000 from three food sales, which was used to build cubicles donated to the library.
- Assigned the role of Head of Department (acting) in the Modern Language department by the Headteacher of North Georgetown Secondary due to leadership qualities, enthusiasm, and strategic vision for the subject.
- Planned and organized an entertaining and educational culture program for three consecutive years at North Georgetown Secondary, showcasing the talents of students and highlighting the unique and diverse culture of Guyana.
Interesting Facts About My Region/Community
- The rich Dutch legacy is visible through an innovative water control system that benefits the region’s rice cultivation and farmlands.
Favorite Guyanese Quote
- Quote: “Someting mo than cane mek sugah” (It isn’t the sugar cane alone that makes sugar)
- Interpretation: This quote teaches the importance of teamwork, especially when you are a leader. While you may be essential to a project, you need the support of others to complete it. Respecting and valuing everyone’s input, no matter how small it may seem, is crucial.