
Miss Nurse is a self-taught entrepreneur with a passion for community service and charity. She helps to provide hampers, gifts, party bags and food to less fortunate families in Guyana. She aspires to become a psychologist and also wishes to expose unemployed women to the idea of investing in the crypto market so that they will be able to earn and provide for their families.


Scholastic/Career Goals

coming soon

Best place to work for


Head-to-Head Debate

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Bwap Project |

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Fun Facts

Being the next Miss World Guyana

My Quest To Become Miss World

Gratitude Wall

I would like to become The next miss world because it will provide a bigger audience for me to showcase my passion for empowering women. Around the world, women are being killed abused, and taken advantage of and I believe this is continuing to happen because women have lost their confidence and forgotten how wordy they are hence the reason they are staying in relationships that are unhealthy and unstable. We need to teach our women what self-love and what the value is because only when you truly love and value yourself you will not accept anything that is not of value and it’s not adding goodness to your life.

Emaley Nurse


26 years old


165 CM


32 26 37




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