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Miss World Guyana

Community launched to move Guyana in a digital direction

Georgetown, GUYANA; 24th June, 2019: Kimberly Adams, a quarterfinalist in the Miss World Guyana 2020 competition, has officially launched her ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ initiative, with the goal of transforming the digital landscape of Guyana.

The initiative, Future Guyana, was designed to tackle the issues of brain drain and lack of
innovation in the country by establishing accelerator programs geared towards providing equal and accessible opportunities in the information technology field.
Ms. Adams states, “While education is a fundamental element in the overall path of progressing this sector, it is incomplete. Our students must be equipped with the appropriate resources and opportunities after the education leg.”

Kimberly explains, “The structure of the community is one that hopes to enforce social change by creating an initiative driven by the people. The Future Guyana community consist of two key elements: the resource network and volunteer network. The resource network is comprised of businesses and organisations willing to lend their resources and time towards our accelerator programs. This may include office space, mentorship, equipment sharing and so forth. Our volunteer network is made up of like-minded individuals with a passion for the industry and a drive for change. They have access to the resource network for assistance with designing and launching these accelerator programs.” The Future Guyana community has since established a few resource partners including Nexus Hub Inc., University of Guyana Robotics Club, and more. “We look forward to expanding this network and developing well thought out programs for our students and visionaries,” she said.

Having worked in the Blockchain field for the past 4 years, Kimberly emphasizes the
socioeconomic impact technology can have on a country and she has since become an
advocate for emerging technologies in developing nations.

More information about the Future Guyana community can be found

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