Personal Details
- Name: Najuma Nelson
- Age: 25
- Title: Miss Pomeroon-Supenaam
- Hometown: Watooka, Mackenzie, Linden
- University of Guyana
- Queen’s College
- Watooka Primary School
BWAP Project: Improving Access to Quality Education for Children in Remote, Rural Communities
- Partner Organization: RIVAH
- Project Statement: Region Two is an area that is home to almost 50,000 persons. While most live on the coast, many live in rural areas mainly indigenous communities. But did you know, that of all Guyana’s regions, Region 2 has the second-highest dropout rate for secondary school students? The attendance is the second worst in the country…
- Fundraising Efforts:
- $90,000 book donation from A World at School Organization – Leroy Phillips
- Raised over $100,000 through fundraising events
- Ministry of Education, who sponsored the $30,000.00
- Special discount agreement with Austin’s Book Services for textbooks
Vision & Goals
- Improve school attendance and quality of education in remote areas
- Provide updated books and school supplies
- Raise community awareness of the importance of education
Scholastic and Career Ambitions
- Scholastic Ambition: To read for an MSc in Renewable / Sustainable Energy
- Career Ambition: To be a consultant to local and regional industries helping them transition to “greener” processes and technologies
Scholastic Honors
- Degree: BSc in Chemistry (Graduated with Distinction)
- Graduated with a Distinction in BSc major
Interesting Facts
- Region: The Pomeroon River is widely believed to be the deepest river in Guyana and connects various points such as Charity, Parika, Anna Regina, and even the Venezuelan border.
- Community: In Anna Regina, stands the Damon Monument, a tribute to an African laborer who fought for the rights of newly apprenticed African workers. Lake Mainstay is a popular spot for relaxation and recreation in the region.
Employment History
Favorite Guyanese Quote and Interpretation
- Quote: “Nah everything scholar know he ah learn from teacher”
- Interpretation: “As a passionate advocate of education, I place great emphasis on learning in the classroom. But a well-learned individual (scholar) is a well-rounded individual – one that has been shaped by exposure to different persons and different environments. This quote tells me that no matter the status or station of a man, there is always something that can be learned from him. The same applies to new experiences. Book smarts are good, but street smarts are also to be valued.”
Marketing Plan
Why I Should Be Miss World Guyana 2016
The “Seal of Completion” confirms and certifies that a candidate has successfully completed and met all the fundraising goals, requirements, and standards set by Miss World for accomplishing their Beauty With a Purpose project. This seal signifies the candidate’s dedication, achievement, and adherence to the high standards of the Miss World organization in their philanthropic and project-based efforts.