
Miss Harry is a registered nursing assistant at the West Demerara Regional Hospital. She is attached to the neonatal department where she provides care for babies and also advises mothers. She enjoys dancing, modeling, public speaking, sports and community involvement. She is a firm believer that pageantry not only allows one to learn about themselves but it is also a great way to build and develop pertinent and essential skills such as communication and leadership


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Head-to-Head Debate

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Fun Facts

Being the next Miss World Guyana

Because of the lessons you learn. There are so many things you learn not only about yourself, but also about communication skills, leadership, interviews, and poise! Pageantry is a doorway for those who want to be on stage, give back, and of course learn more about themselves! I never saw pageantry as a competition, I always looked at it as a learning experience. Because out of the whole weekend, you learn so much that it’s beyond mind blowing what you can grasp!

My Quest To Become Miss World

Trevlind Harry


25 years old


180 CM


36. 29. 36


Georgetown School of Nursing

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